Essay, Research Paper: Crucible And Scarlet Letter

Literature: Nathaniel Hawthorne

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Part IV Task The quote, "Our problems are manmade: therefore, they may be
solved by man… No problem of human destiny is beyond human beings." by
President John F. Kennedy, holds truth. In other words, we create our own
problems and make our own choices on how to solve them, in turn, controlling our
own destiny. This quote is proven in the play The Crucible, by Arthur Miller,
and in the novel The Scarlet Letter, by Nathaniel Hawthorne. The Crucible by
Arthur Miller uses irony and theme to support the quote. A major theme was
jealousy, produced from Abigail. She was envious of Elizabeth's marriage to John
Proctor. In order to solve her problem she chose to accuse Elizabeth of
witchcraft, hoping Elizabeth would be tried and executed. Irony was put into
play when John told the court that Elizabeth never lies, always telling the
truth no matter how consequential it can be. When a judge asked Elizabeth if her
husband actually committed adultery with Abigail she fabricated her first lie,
to protect her husband from shame. This lie concluded Abigail as the truthful
one, not confirming her husband's position at all. Elizabeth went against her
beliefs to solve a hurried problem that did not allow her to solve it in the
manner she wished. The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne uses
characterization and irony. The story line portrays strong characterization
within the physician. He devotes all of his time into finding out who had an
affair with his wife. Once he discovers whom it is, he is not satisfied, and
continues to taunt this man in order to make another life miserable. After a
confession was finally declared, the sole purpose of the physician's life
diminished, which eventually killed him. At any duration, the doctor could have
accepted the truth and moved on with his life, yet he refused to. The Scarlet
Letter worn on Hester's chest was a symbol of one who sinned. Hester was looked
down upon from others and constantly worried about the glance she received from
people. She let that affect her way of life. Finally she took her problem into
her own hands accepted the badge as a part of her, her courageous self. This
also ironically becomes a safe way for her daughter to recognize her mother by.
The quote by John F. Kennedy is accurate as proven in the play The Crucible and
the novel The Scarlet Letter. We create our own problems, controlling our own
destiny, through our own choices.
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